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      With high thermal conductivity heat dissipation material, through special surface treatment, increase the product surface heat dissipation area, increase the heat dissipation effect, decrease the  thermal resistance.

      For enterprise and industrial lighting, LED light source, the light flux must reach thousands to tens of thousands of lumens, so high light output can not be achieved by a single chip, and multi-chip integrated LED light source generated heat is not negligible.

      Zhengkang is the first radiator manufacturer to design high-power LED lighting fins in China.

      Be used for Enterprise & Industrial lighting,street lamps, large sports venues, deep sea lighting and stage lighting.



      不卡av一区二区三区无码,一本一道久久a久久,狠狠综合久久AV一区二区,办公室娇喘的短裙老师在线视频 国产性爱av毛片 国产精品 亚洲乱伦
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