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      3D Vapor chamber

      Be used for mid-to-high-end electronic product,such as communication server,computer consumer product,industrial equipment,Medical device etc.Specification: Customization (2U/4U)


      Compared with 2D Vapor chamber , 3D VC has a faster heat transfer rate

      The performance of 3d-vc is 2-3 times of that of 2D VC

      Under the same power requirement, the module composition could be reduced by 30% entail.

      3D Vapor chamber.png

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      不卡av一区二区三区无码,一本一道久久a久久,狠狠综合久久AV一区二区,办公室娇喘的短裙老师在线视频 国产性爱av毛片 国产精品 亚洲乱伦
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