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      Thermal solution for Solar photovoltaic (PV) fission device

      Zhengkang has has a variety of welding equipment, can make products that combine multiple welding processes and has the capability of module design , product structure design, thermal simulation and product processing .


      Product need to meet the following requirements:

      On the basis of the profile radiator, heating tube (or other measures)

      Do not change the volume, do not replace the fan,

      1 Region : max temperature point decreased by 20 ℃

      2 Region : max temperature point decreased by 16℃


      Previous program:

      The number of heat pipes is large, the production is difficult, the welding is complicated and the cost is high


      Be improved:

      By changing the size, shape and distribution position of heat pipe, heat pipe and fan are used to achieve better heat dissipation effect.; easy to welding ;the cost is greatly reduced.


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      不卡av一区二区三区无码,一本一道久久a久久,狠狠综合久久AV一区二区,办公室娇喘的短裙老师在线视频 国产性爱av毛片 国产精品 亚洲乱伦
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